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Professional Guidelines For Creating A Doctoral Thesis In French Literature

Writing a doctoral thesis in French literature is a long and complicated process. It can be a very stressful period in your life, that’s why you should know several tips that will save your time, energy, and health.

Skills You Should Develop for Your Doctoral Thesis

  1. Management of information.
  2. Working with French literature, you will need to get through a great deal of texts of different types and size, written in different epochs and dialects. All this plus the process of collection of all the necessary reference sources can be overwhelming for your brain. You need to learn how to work and have rest properly so that you don’t exhaust yourself.

  3. Management of time.
  4. Working with your thesis and visiting classes can be very difficult. You need to sleep well and learn to relax at the moments when you can’t work: on your way home or to work. Use small breaks to do some exercises: you will be amazed at the energy your body gets from several squats.

  5. Management of stress.
  6. It’s very important to handle your stress in a healthy way that will help you avoid falling into the abyss of procrastination or healing your emotional tiredness with food, which will lead to obesity.

How to Succeed with Your Doctoral Thesis

  • Understand your goal and the essence of your work and always keep them in mind. Working with literature, it’s quite easy to lose the main direction of your project and start writing about detached things. It will waste your time and add unnecessary water to your project.
  • Make sure that you’ll be able to prove and defend the theory you’ve chosen. Even if you find revolutionary documents that prove the origin of the entire French literature from ancient Chinese roots, the committee will most likely turn such research down. Don’t force your university to reject you.
  • Find a common language with your supervisor and make sure that you understand each other clearly. If you can’t even imagine what your supervisor expects from you, your working together will hardly be successful.
  • Find out more about the committee. You need to know who in this jury hates French literature and which arguments can drive another member of this council mad because they oppose their own point of view. Although all these details seem funny, they are vital to the success of your project, your energy, and workability that you’ve invested in this paper.