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Handpicked PhD Thesis Topics In Economics

Economics is a very broad area to write a Ph.D. thesis about. For your project to be meaningful and interesting, you should pick a narrow topic within this field. Unfortunately, not all students can come up with excellent questions to answer in their academic works. If you have such a problem, a list of exciting sample topics generated by experts should help you.

Outstanding Topics for an Economics Ph.D. Thesis

  1. The impact of a local culture on the entrepreneurial action.
  2. The role of a family in funding the start-up of a business.
  3. The economic development and transaction costs.
  4. The evolution of the consumption in the USA over the last decade.
  5. The impact of oil price changes on the level of the general consumption.
  6. The relationship between the regional development and profit.
  7. The effect of minimum wages on the employment in the USA.
  8. The relationship between the cash flow and investments.
  9. The causes of the regional divergence: the analysis of rich and poor regions.
  10. The contribution of a university network to the entrepreneurial action.

Ways to Choose a Thesis Topic

If you didn’t get much inspiration from examining the list of topics above, you should use one of the following methods to find a good area to research:

  • Read previous studies.
  • You may go to your university library and look through several dissertations in economics written over the past year. Pay attention to the conclusion chapters in which authors propose ways to continue their research.

  • Conduct a brainstorming session.
  • If it’s difficult for you to generate a good idea alone, invite several fellow students to do some brainstorming together. Maybe, some of you will come up with a topic that will be great to write a thesis about.

  • Hire a professional company.
  • Lastly, you may pay an online agency to generate a decent topic for you. You may even hire them to compose your entire paper.

  • Approach your professor.
  • You may consult them on the current trends in economics research. Maybe, your professor will even suggest a few already narrowed down topics.

Remember that if you want to select a successful thesis topic, it should be interesting to you in the first place. Many students who choose topics that they aren’t concerned about quickly get bored during their research. To compose a paper worthy of an excellent grade, you should carry out your study with enthusiasm, so pick your topic wisely.
